Clinicians of the World Deworming Program

Partner with us in this fight! Together we can make a difference!

Although intestinal worms is no longer a problem in most developed countries, most kids in poor countries have worms; the result is anemia, malnutrition and sicknesses that cause absences from school. Worms are transmitted via eggs which pass out of infected individuals in feces or urine which then contaminate soil or water. Ingestion or skin contact with transmission stages can result in an infection, depending on the species.

Worms live in the intestines, liver and/or blood vessels surrounding the urinary tract and do not multiply in the body. Their numbers increase through repeated infection from renewed contact with contaminated soil or water. Worm infections cause health problems that both impair children's health physical and cognitive development and limit attendance and performance in school, hampering a child's development and a chance at brighter future.

Deworming children in the third world is an economic and educational priority. It is a crucial step towards achieving universal primary education and improving children's long-term productivity. If left untreated, infected children will contribute less to the economic development of their community as adults. One of the best ways of eradicating worms in an impoverished community is to improve sanitation and public health.

Clinicians of the World deworming program is safe, simple and cost-effective.

Our Deworming Program involves:
1. Building Latrines in the community for disposal of human waste.
2. Building deep-seated wells to provide clean running water.
3. Treating children with one anti-helminthic pill twice a year.
4. Distributing shoes to help prevent reinfection.
5. Educating the community about simple hand-washing and cleanliness of food.

Clinicians of the World | PO Box 116 | Rochester, MN 55903 | 1-507-208-4202